11.05.2022 - 12.05.2022

From CO2 to Materials with the Power of Microbes

The European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) organises the online meeting "From CO2 to Materials with the Power of Microbes", taking place on May 11th and 12th 2022.

The meeting will bring together partners from academia and industry sharing the common interest to overcome global challenges on C1 emissions by harnessing the power of microbial metabolism. The key topics of discussion are organised in 3 sessions:

1. Microbial assimilation of C1 substrates (CO2, methanol, formate, syngas)
2. Microbial conversion of C1 substrates to materials (fuels, chemicals, polymers)
3. Technologies to provide and convert C1 substrates and scaling-up (e.g. biochemical engineering approaches)

Scientists from academia and industry are invited to submit abstracts describing original research by the 20th of April 2022.

The program is composed of keynotes, invited lectures and short talks (selected from abstracts) making use of live and pre-recorded presentations. Furthermore, a poster session will be held to facilitate lively discussions. VIVALDI colleague Falk Harnisch (UFZ-Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH) will participate in the third session.

Join us at the meeting by registering here.

“From CO2 to Materials” is jointly organized by the three EFB divisions Microbial Biotechnology, Biobased Materials, and Bioengineering and Bioprocessing together with the Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology Division.