VIVALDI turns co2 emissions into sustainable bioproducts

VIVALDI project will develop an innovative, sustainable and cost-efficient biotechnological solution to convert off-gas emissions from bio-based Industries into CO2-based chemicals. In this way, the industry’s greenhouse gases emissions will not only be reduced, but will be used as a novel feedstock, lowering the dependency on fossil fuels import and the exploitation of key resources such as energy, raw material, freshwater and land.

Project Concept

VIVALDI project will develop an integrated solution to convert the CO2 emissions of bio-industries into 4 added-value organic acids: lactic acid (LA), succinic acid (SA), itaconic acid (IA) and 3-hydroxypropionic.

These acids can re-enter in the production process of biorefineries to enhance their sustainability, or become building blocks for novel biomaterials.

Latest News

13.12.2024 About our partners

Scientific paper featuring VITO’s research on Electrochemical CO2 Reduction

A new scientific article titled "Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: Commercial Innovations and Prospects" has been published on ChemElectroChem, featuring the research conducted by our partner VITO in the...
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21.11.2024 About our partners

New scientific article by the LEITAT team on innovative materials development

We’re happy to announce the publication of a new scientific article by the talented team at our project partner Leitat Technological Center: Gerard Pérez, Jorge Luque Rueda, Pau Bosch, Eduard Borr...
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19.11.2024 About our partners

VIVALDI policy recommendations shared at the Materials for Sustainable Development Conference

On 12-15 November 2024, Tudy Bernier, Policy Director at CO2 Value Europe and a partner in the VIVALDI project, was invited to speak at the Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS Fal...
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From Twitter

📄 Featuring the work done in the VIVALDI project, our colleagues at @ElectricUfz have recently published a new study!
Discover the limits of #electrochemical #co2 reduction at biocompatible conditions and potential ways to overcome them ➡️

@PanizIzadi @ElectricUfz giving an overview keynote talk on electrobiorefineries at #meepsymposium

Project Impact

Contributing to the transition to a low carbon economy and reach European climate targets

Negative to neutral CO2 emissions in the production of organic acids
-20% cost & energy demand for the production of organic acids compared to fossil-based industries

-25% cost for ammonia recovery from industrial wastewater

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Such organic acids are lactic acid (LA), succinic acid (SA), itaconic acid (IA) and 3-hydroxypropionic. Organic acids are important for the chemical industry as they are the building blocks for the production of chemicals including biobased products.

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Such organic acids are lactic acid (LA), succinic acid (SA), itaconic acid (IA) and 3-hydroxypropionic. Organic acids are important for the chemical industry as they are the building blocks for the production of chemicals including biobased products.

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Cost reduction of the recovery of ammonia (50 g N/m2/d) with a novel bioelectrochemical methodology.

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