30.04.2023 - 04.05.2023

SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting

Sustainability, breaching planetary boundaries, the intersection of pollution, biodiversity and climate change, mixture toxicity assessment and moving towards a reduced-pollution environment are some of the emerging topics in the science and policy domains of relevance to SETAC. Central to all of these “big-picture” environmental challenges is the need to integrate across large, and often disparate and sparse, datasets to develop an overarching view of the interactions, dynamics and feedback in between the ecosystems and the stressors.

The SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting focuses on the theme of access to data as being central to enhanced environmental understanding. To support the transition to renewable economies and sustainable business practices, and to facilitate the translation of scientific knowledge into data-driven policymaking and regulation, the conference will bring together scientists from various disciplines in academia, business/industry and government to share, debate, discuss, disseminate and facilitate the use and re-use of their most recent scientific knowledge to support adaptive and responsive environmental management and protection.

On May 1st, Jorge Senan Salinas, from our partner BETA Technological Center, will present the VIVALDI project through the spotlight presentation and poster: "Life Cycle Assessment of emerging Carbon Capture for Utilisation technologies: methodological archetypes at VIVALDI project" in the session dedicated to Circularity, Recycling and Multi-Functional Systems. The presentation can be streamed here.

More information about SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting and the full programme can be found here.