27.04.2022 podcast dedicates an episode to CO2 utilisation and VIVALDI project, in collaboration with our partner Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), dedicated an episode of the Research Quartet podcast to the VIVALDI project!
In a discussion with the project coordinator Albert Guisasola (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona), Falk Harnisch (UFZ) and Simone Bachleitner (University of Natural Resources and Life Science Vienna - BOKU), the episode (mainly in German) explains how CO2 utilisation can contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions and reach EU’s climate targets.Specifically, the episode looks at the VIVALDI solutions for the bio-based industry: electrochemical and biological technologies that transform biogenic CO2 emissions into sustainable chemicals. The goal? Helping the chemical industry to reduce emissions, lower their dependency on fossil fuels import and the exploitation of key resources.Listen to the podcast episode here.