Milestone reached for the VIVALDI project: sampling activities completed
The European research project VIVALDI embraces circularity by developing solutions to capture and convert the carbon dioxide emissions of bio-based industries into greener chemicals.
This summer, researchers from biochemical process technology at the Luleå University of Technology (LTU) started the sampling activities, the collection of on-site off-gas streams from the VIVALDI partner SunPine, a biorefinery in northern Sweden. From the roof of SunPine's industrial plant, flue gas was collected from the chimney pipe with the help of hoses. The collected flue gas, which consists of carbon dioxide and other substances, was packed under high pressure in large gas bottles thanks to the expertise of Krajete GmbH. The gas bottles with compressed gas were then transported to the lab at LTU. There, the LTU research team has since worked to produce a clean carbon dioxide gas, which will be sent to the project partners for further processing into chemicals.
"It is important to mention that CCU is projected to play an important role even after 2050, which is the target year when CO2 emissions should have reached net zero. Still, we will need to continue capturing CO2, especially from the air to stabilise our climate", Io Antonopoulou says.
Io Antonopoulou, Paul Christakopoulos, Ayanne de Oliveira Maciel and Ulrika Rova are the team of researchers at the Luleå University of Technology participating in the project.
Stay tuned for what’s coming next!
Find the press release here and watch the research team in action here.