
New study published: “Carbonic anhydrase to boost CO2 sequestration: Improving carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS)”

VIVALDI’s partners at the Luleå University of Technology published on Chemosphere (Elsevier) the study “Carbonic anhydrase to boost CO2 sequestration: Improving carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS)”.

Carbon sequestration, through absorption, can be one of the solutions to mitigate climate change. Targeting the development of novel biotechnological routes which can compete with traditional CO2 absorption methods, Io Antonopoulou, Ulrika Rova, Paul Christakopoulos and Ayanne de Oliveira Maciel found out that carbonic anhydrase (CA) utilization presents a potential to expand as a promising catalyst for CCUS applications.

The study provides an overview of the benefits, limitations and emerging approaches with possibilities in reaching an industrial-like stage in the future.

The publication is available here.

This work is supported by the Horizon 2020 European project VIVALDI (grant agreement No 101000441).