
VIVALDI co-authors an article about EU policy published on Euractiv

A new article co-authored by the VIVALDI, CATCO2NVERS and the CO2SMOS projects was published today on Euractiv on the 27th of March 2024.

The three projects collaborated exchanging knowledge and experience to tackle common challenges arising from the current EU policy framework.

As part of the collaborative approach, these projects held a workshop on the 20th of February to present EU policymakers and biochemical industry stakeholders the challenges and barriers perceived, and to discuss possible solutions to turn around the use of fossil resources for the production of chemicals.

The article published today summarises the key takeaway of the analysis and workshop held by the VIVALDI, CATCO2NVERS and CO2SMOS projects, listing key recommendations to promote the uptake of alternative carbon feedstock in essential products in Europe.

Find all our recommendations in the article here.