
Workshop on “Funding Opportunities for the Development of CCU”

On the 18th of May, our scientific project manager Mira Sulonen (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) presented the VIVALDI project during our first thematic workshop “Funding Opportunities for the Development of Carbon Capture and Utilisation”.

The webinar, jointly organised with our partners CO2 Value Europe, INITIATE H2020 project and SUNERGY - Fossil-free fuels and chemicals for a climate-neutral Europe, presented the EU funding programmes: Horizon Europe, Innovation Fund and Breakthrough Energy Catalyst EU.

During the presentation, Mira highlighted the importance of the EU funding instrument to ensure sufficient support to accelerate the research on promising technologies at low TRL (of which our case study is a great example) and what can be expected from an RIA project.

The event video recording and the presentations are publicly available.